Ihmisen julmuutta

Started by Katja, ti 09.02.10 - klo:21:31

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Tiedän että Suomessakin on paljon hädänalaisia koiria, mutta on vaan pakko saada jakaa tätä eteenpäin, tuntuu niin pahalta. 

Rodoksella hylätään koiria, ei pelkästään kaduille vaan ketjulla sidottuna keskelle ei mitään. Ja tällä tarkoitan todellakin keskelle ei mitään, kauas yksinäisten teiden varsille. Jos koiralla käy hyvä tuuri, joku käy sitä ruokkimassa ja antamassa vettä, ja jos ei, kuolee se janoon ja nälkään ilman pienintäkään mahdollisuutta selvitä. Ilman seuraa, ilman rakkautta, ilman elämän perusedellytyksiä. Joillain raukoilla panta pentuajoista lähtien kaulassa olleena, ja koiran kasvaessa ihoon kaivaantuneena.
Tässä pari kuvaa niistä raukoista joilla ei käynyt hyvä tuuri.


Seuraavassa videoreportaasi ja alla käännös englanniksi. Itkettää.... :(
Here is the translation..  Tässä käännös.

reporter:We are in the Ancient Kamiros, on the main road, in the middle of nowhere, you find a abandon dog under the bringe of Kamiros.A very friendly, and really he shows us his joy and happiness, amount he is abandoned.
christina: I can not say that he has a owhner right now, he is abandoned here almost a week/10 days, you can see from his fur how clean it is, and he know good manners, all that proves us that he was living in one home at the past.
reporter:1 klm below the almost the same story, a another doggy abandon on God's Mercy...Fortuanately there are people who are sensitized.
Tina: ...............
reporter: Would be better for the animal to leave it free from that moment this been tied?
christina: Let it free? Free on the road? A truck will kill it, or there gonna poison it, as it happens to my dog...
reporter: What Tina and Winnie do?
christina: Here, they trying to show, how tightly the leash is tied the dog's neck.This dog collar, he has wearring since he was a puppie, now today the dog is a full growhn up, but the collar dimensions are as when he was a puppie, so as you can understand how tight and chocked the dog feel's !!
As you can see, he was been tied with wire as well ! This goes into his skin and hurting him..
reporter: This wire ladys and gentlement, it was around the dog's neck by chocking and hurting him !!
christina: There are a number of people as NON-animal lover's, who have theire animals for granted as objects.
There are many Rhodian's which wants to help, but they dont allow us!! They dont allow to do a massive sterilization, which this could help a lot for our animals future life !!
reporter: Who doesnt allow you?
christina:The highest goverment level..
reporter: Which one ? Who?
christina: Iam not able to say names...
reporter: Ok, no who..but which goverment services?
christina: It has to be taken a special permision to make a mass sterilization and a contact with all the local vet's. We as a commons...we are not allow to do such a thing, or else...we are gonna have troubles with hte law, if you know what i mean?
For this mass sterilization the local institution is responsible to do...But ...
reporter: You can see the joy and happiness after he received the care, look how happy he is...and of course even the chain is still tighte around his neck?
christina: Yes..
Tina:........ ( saying about hte pills )
reporter: Look at how much love and care ladies and gentlement, how carring are thoose people to theese animal, how much love and feeling they have...and of cource a feeling of RESPONSIBILITY !!
reporter: At another point, 100 m. from the road, you can see some remains from a ...DOG !
Left, have a look, at how many puppies there..!!
christina: Someone has abandoned for his each owhn reasons...But as you can see, there are some locals who care and feed them.Here are the evidence...lot's of lot's of dog food can's.People has the interest to helping dog's-cat's-horses etc etc, but there's NO place to accommodate them.The Municipal of Rhodes island, has given a space to accommodate all the animals, but is soooo suffocate, there is no morre extra place -room for other new animals!!
reporter: You can see, all the puppies have a strange swelling at theire belly..is because of the knowed parasite's and worms.The volunteers have planned this and brought apoparasitosis pills, and they will give, one by one to all thoose cute puppies!!
One little fellow finish..neeext...
Even, they watching all thoose animals, they also clean the round area.
reporter: You are simply humman, at some point you will be absent for whatever reason, something can happen to you...What will happen to the animals in this case?
christina: .......Mmmm...My silence, is my answer..!!
reporter:God help us !!..
reporter: Shortly after this, the cameraman MILTOS, adopt the very first puppy that we found under the bringe in Ancient Kamiros..
Men:They dropped it out the road, and now i brought it to the vet, to see the state of his health, because it seems a little bit sick.
reporter: Are you gonna adopt it..?
men: YESSSS...Yess i already made my decicion..it deserves to have one good life, its pity to let it out in the street abandoned!!
END....is it gonna bee a HAPPY END?


Nämä on aina niin karmeita juttuja. Toivottavasti eläinsuojelutoimenpiteet vaikuttavat tuolla myös! Luin juuri jostain, että Kiinassa ollaan kieltämässä koirien syönti, joten toivoa eläinten olojen paranemisesta ympäri maailman onneksi on.

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